About us



Prof. Dr. Daniel Jositsch

President of the board

Peter Stein

Vice president

Dr. Caroline Walser Kessel

Member of the board, president of the expert commission

Dr. Claudia V. Brunner

Member of the board, secretary to the arbitration court

Dr. Georg Lechleiter

Member of the board, deputy secretary to the arbitration court

Thomas Müller

Member of the board, responsible RegFix

Hans Kaufmann

Member of the board, assessor

Thierry Burkart

Member of the board, political advisor


Denise Pezzatti


Chantal Frater

Deputy director

Khiria Humair

Head branch Lugano


Felicitas Brütsch

Head Legal & Compliance

Victoria Wijkström

Compliance officer branch Neuchâtel


Sonja Fässler Özdil

Management assistant

Annina Schirmer

Head of secretariat

Bettina Alder

Management assistant

Iuliana Klinkel

Management assistant branch Lugano

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